Jiashan Tang (1997)


Professor Dr. Jiashan Tang received his Bachelor degree from the Department of Mathematics, Anhui Normal University. He received his Master and Ph. D. degree from the Department of Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, where his supervisors are Prof. Zikun Wang ( Chinese Academician, elected in 1991 ) and Prof. Zhanbing Li. Since his graduation, he has been with Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUPT). He had been visiting the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Carleton University as a Postdoctoral Fellow from March 2002 to September 2003, where his cooperative supervisors are Prof. Donald Andrew Dawson (Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, 2012; Fellow of the Royal Society, 2010; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 1987) and Prof. Yiqiang Q. Zhao. During the periods from May to June in 2007, August and September in 2008 as well as July to September in 2016, he had been visiting Carleton University more than one times and cooperating with Prof. Yiqiang Q. Zhao. Currently, he is a Full Professor of Mathematics and a supervisor of PhD and postgraduate students at NUPT. Jiashan's research interests are in areas of probability theory, applied stochastic processes, queueing theory, signal and information processing, applied statistics, data science and etc.

1984.09 -- 1987.07: Tianchang Middle School of Anhui Province (Senior High School)
1987.09 -- 1991.07: Department of Mathematics, Anhui Normal University (B.Sc.)
1991.09 -- 1994.07: Department of Mathematics, Beijing Normal University (M.Sc.)
                                 Supervisors: Prof. Zikun WANG  and Prof. Zhanbing LI
1994.09 -- 1997.07: Department of Mathematics, Beijing Normal University (Ph.D.)
                                 Supervisors: Prof. Zikun WANG  and Prof. Zhanbing LI

Professional Title
1997.10: Qualified as Lecturer of Mathematics
2000.08: Promoted to Associate Professor of Mathematics
2007.07: Promoted to Full Professor of Mathematics

Work Experience
1997.07 -- present : Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications                                 
2002.03 -- 2003.09: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Canada
                                 Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF)                                 
2007.05 -- 2007.06: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Canada
                                 Visiting Scholar
2008.08 -- 2008.09: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Canada
                                 Research Visitor
2016.07 -- 2016.09: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Canada
                                 Visiting Professor


[1] Zhang, Z.Y.; Yuan, K. H.; Wen, Y.; Tang, J. S.(Editors), (2020May). New Developments in Data Science and Data Analytics: Proceedings of the 2019 Meeting of International Society for Data Science and Analytics[C], (ISBN(pbk): 978-1-946728-03-6; ISBN-13(E-book): 978-1-946728-04-3; The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data for the paperback book: 2019905671), Granger, IN: the ISDSA Press[184 pages, in English, $39.99, AmazonLink] 

[2] Tang, J.S. (2018Nov). Elements of Stochastic Processes [M] (CIP 2018263054/ ISBN 978-7-03-059620-8), Beijing: Science Press Ltd., Nov 2018, 1st edition

[3] Tang, J.S. (2016Jun). Queueing Theory and its Applications (in Chinese) [M]](CIP 2016162858 / ISBN 978-7-03-049389-7), Beijing: Science Press Ltd., June 2016, 1st edition

[4] Xia, Letian et al. (2008Aug). Applied Probability and Statistics (In Chinese)[M], Text Book for Graduate Students of non-mathematics, (ISBN 978-7-11-124270-3), (in Charge of Chapter one and Chapter six)


[01]Yuan,K.H.; Wen,Y.;Tang, J.S. (2020May). Latent Variable Regression by Partial Least Squares and Four Other Composite Scores: Consistency, Bias and Correction[J], Stuctural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2020, Vol. 27, No. 3, 333-350[Accepted on 10 July, 2019; Published online on 5 Sep,2019; DOI: 10.1080/10705511.2019.1647107] 

[02] Zhao, Y.L.; Duan, D.D.; Hu, R.M.; Tang,J.S. et al. (2020Jan). EM algorithm based research on the number of components in a mixture momdel[J]. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management, 2020, Vol. 39, No.1, 35-50[Accepted on 2019.06.03; Published on web on 19 Aug, 2019; DOI:10.13860/j.cnki.sltj.20190808-002 ] 

[03] Dawson, D. A.; Tang,J. S.; Zhao, Y. Q.(2019Aug). Performance analysis of joining the shortest queue model among a large number of queues[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 36, No. 4, 19500192(2019)[Submitted on 14 Aug 2018; Revised on 20 Apr 2019; accepted on 11 May 2019. / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217595919500192] 

[04] Liang, G.J.; Zhu,Q.; Xin, J.F.; Tang,J.S.; Zhang, T.J.(2017Apr). Performance analysis of buffer-aided relaying system based on data and energy coupling queuing model for cooperative communication networks[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2017, Article ID 9287489, 14 pages[SCI WOS: 000399537300001 / EI Accession number: 20171903644616 / DOI: 10.1155/2017/9287489] 

[05] Tian, Z.D.; Tang, J.S. (2016Dec). An efficient 2-D DOA estimation algorithm for coherent signals[A]. // Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband [C]. 2016. 1-4[ SCI WOS: 000391849700212 / EI Accession number: 20170503317877 / DOI: 10.1109/ICUWB.2016.7790605] 

[06]  Liu, G.Y.; Tang, J.S.; Zhang, X.S. (2014Aug). Asymptotic properties for power variations of fractional integral processes with jumps (in Chinese)[J], Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2014, 34A(4): 925-937[ MR:3269318 ] 

[07] Liu,G.Y.; Tang,J.S.; Zhang, X.S. (2014Jul). Central Limit Theorems for Power Variation of Gaussian Integral Processes with Jumps[J], SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics (Science in China Series A: Mathematics), 2014, Vol. 57, No. 8, 1671-1685[SCI WOS: 000339348800011 /  DOI:10.1007/s11425-013-4736-4 / MR:3229231] 

[08] Geng,X.M.;Zhou,S.L.;Tang,J.S.;Yang,C.(2012Mar). A sufficient condition for classified networks to possess complex network features[J], Networks and Heterogeneous Media(NHM), 2012, Vol. 7, No.1, 59-69 [Fullpaper(pdf)][SCIE Accession Number: WOS:000301431700003 / EI Accession Number: 20131816268642  /  DOI: 10.3934/nhm.2012.7.59 / MR:2908610] 

[09] Xiao, H.M.; Tang, J.S.(2011Jun).  Ruin probability of one kind of entrance processes based insurance risk models,  Chin. Quart. J. of Math.,2011, Vol. 26, No. 2, 239-244 

[10] Xiao, H.M.; Tang, J.S. (2009Dec). Asymptotic ruin probabilities of an entrance processes based risk model with interest force and regularly varying claims, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1126-1132[ MR:2797920 ] 

[11] Tang, J.S.; Zhao, Y.Q. (2008Apr). Stationary tail asymptotics of  a tandem queue with feedback, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 160, No. 1, 173-189 [Fullpaper(pdf)][ SCI Accession Number: WOS:000253211100011 / MR:2396643 /  DOI: 10.1007/s10479-007-0303-0 ] 

[12] Liu, X.P.; Dou, W.C.;Cai, S.J; Tang, J.S. (2007Feb). Allocation of cooperative problem aiming at interaction relationship model optimization (in Chinese).  Acta Electronica Sinica, Vol. 35, No. 2, 345-349.  [Abstract-cn][ EI Accession Number: 20071610557394] 

[13] Tang, J.S. (2007Feb). The Range of super-Brownian motions on hyperbolic space (in Chinese). Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. A.,  Vol. 28, No. 1, 33-38; The English translation of this paper is in: Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 28, No. 1, 23-28[ MR:2310000 ] 

[14] Tang, J.S. (2006Aug). Limit theorems for the weighted occupation time for super-Brownian motions on Hd. Progress in Natural Science,  Vol. 16, No.8, 803-807 [Abstract, Full paper(pdf)][ SCIE Accession Number: WOS:000240161400004  / EI Accession Number: 20063910136086 / MR:2247524 ] 

[15] Liu, X.P.; Dou, W.C.; Chen, G.H.; Cai, S.J.; Tang, J.S. (2005Aug). Autonomous-centered problem allocation oriented to cooperation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3756, Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies: 6th International Workshop, APPT 2005, Hong Kong, China, October 27-28, 2005, Proceedings. 91-100  [Abstract, Full paper(pdf)][ SCIE Accession Number: WOS:000233672200010 / EI Accession number: 2006219891443 ] 

[16] Dawson, D.A.; Tang, J.S.; Zhao, Y.Q. (2005Apr).  Balancing queues by mean field interaction,   Queueing Systems,  Vol. 49, Nos. 3-4,  335 - 361 [Abstract,  Full paper(pdf)][ SCI Accession Number: WOS:000228974600006  / MR:2149648 / DOI: 10.1007/s11134-005-6971-z ] 

[17] Tang, J.S.; Zhang, Z.Y. (2003Jun). Blind adaptive multiuser detection of CDMA using the $\epsilon$-approximation algorithms (in Chinese).  J. of China Institute of Communications,  Vol. 24, No. 6,  36-43[ Inspec:7857081 ] 

[18] Tang, J.S. (2002Aug). Limit theorems of a class of super-uniformly elliptic diffusions. J. Math. Res. Exposition  Vol. 22, No. 3,  345 - 350 [ MR:1925099 ] 

[19] Tang, J.S. (2001Jul). An asymptotic behavior of super Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes  (in Chinese).  Acta Math. Appl. Sinica Vol. 24,  No. 3,  456-460 [Abstract-cn][ MR:1875294 ] 

[20] Tang, J.S. (2001Oct). Hitting probabilities of super-Brownian motions with branching mechanism  ψ(x,λ) = γ(x) λ \sp  {1+β}.  J. Math.  (PRC)  Vol. 21 ,  No. 4,  373-380 [Abstract,  Full paper(pdf)]; Abstract in: Advances in Mathematics (China), 1994Apr, Vol. 23, No. 2,  179-180[ MR:1863610 ] 

[21] Tang, J.S. (2001May). Optimal doubling points for Brownian motion with drift  (in Chinese).  Chinese J. of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 18 ,  No. 2,  54-60 [ MR:1851284 ] 

[22] Tang, J.S.; Zhao, X.L. (2000May). The first hitting manner of super-Brownian motions. Chinese J. Appl. Prob. Statist. Vol. 16 , No. 2,  152 - 158 [ MR:1812715 ] 

[23] Tang, J.S. (2000Jun). Hitting probability estimates for the super Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes  (in Chinese).  Chinese Ann. Math.  Ser. A.   Vol. 21 ,   No. 3,  295-300 [ MR:1775843 ] 

[24] Tang, J.S. (1999Oct). Distributions and moment properties for extinction times of general superprocesses  (in Chinese).  Math. Appl. Vol. 12,  No. 4,   21-25[ MR:1753440 ] 

[25] Tang, J.S. (1997Dec). The support of super-Brownian motions on a hyperbolic space (in Chinese).  Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A.  Vol. 18 ,  No. 6,  751-760, Abstract in: Advances in Mathematics (China), 1996Aug, Vol. 25, No. 4, 373-374[ MR:1620802 ] 

[26] Tang, J.S. (1997Apr). An asymptotic result of super-Brownian motion on hyperbolic space (in Chinese).  Kexue Tongbao, Vol 42, No. 7, 685-689; The English translation of this paper is in: Chinese Science Bulletin,  1997Aug, Vol. 42 , No. 15,  1240-1244

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